Saturday, July 08, 2006


Who are you ?
Pretty old song, but I like it. If you are interested check here.

Why do you write movie reviews ?
Because I am passionate about movies. Movies are the only place where I reach always before time, and never leaves till they turn off the projector.

So are you a professional movie critic or what ?
Nope. I am a software engineer/designer. I write code/draw graphics for a living.

Then what makes you think that you can write reviews ?
I am a member of the public to whom the movies are targeted to. That gives me the right to comment about what I see. And I know exactly what I like and what I dislike. I write just my views.

I dont agree with your views about "xyx" movie.
This is the FAQ section. and thats not a Question.

Okay, I dont agree with your views about "xyz" movie. what do you have to say ?
What I write is not the last word. Its my sincere attempt to start a discussion. If you have differing views, please write them in the comments section. You are also free to email me your views. Lets debate.

Why dont you write about the good things in a movie, than pointing out the bad things ?
Thats what the reviews in news papers and websites are for. They have to promote the movie. They always have to be *politically right*. I dont have to be.

Does anyone read this stuff ?
I am not sure of others, but I know for sure, that you are reading this now.

Can I write a review for your site ?
Sure, send me. If it passes the test, I shall put it up with due credits.

What test ?
I check the bits you send for atmoic radiation using Geiger counters and scintillometers. If the radiation is less than 50 mrem (.5 mSv), I send it across to the approvals and denials committiee of intergalactic movie review nodal center(IGMRNC). After processing, they send back a subatomic particle, if its a proton, i publish. If its an electron, sorry, i dont.

Hmm. Whom do I complaint to if you dont publish my review ?
The Grievance Redressal Forum(TGRF) of IGMRNC

What if i have a question that is not covered in this FAQ ?
Then obviously, its not a FAQ. Mail it directly to me.